Guiding the Youth Towards a Better Tomorrow
Being a parent is both wonderful and overwhelming at times. We believe that parents are responsible before the Lord for the training up of their children. But, praise God. He has also given us the church. You are not alone!
Children's ministry at Calvary exists to assist you as parents to lay a strong biblical foundation and show the love of Jesus Christ in the lives of your children. We are committed to making disciples by drawing children into the presence of God through worship, Bible memorization, Bible lessons, and practical application. It is our desire to partner with parents as we teach with relevant curriculum which emphasizes God's plan of redemption.
Toddler Church (Age 3-4)
10:00 a.m. through the morning service
This is a time of fellowship, Bible lessons, and fun activities for children. Please drop off your child in room #1 in the educational wing.
Youth Sunday School (Grades 6-10)
11:15 a.m. to noon
Meets in the youth room 5.
Children’s Church (Age 5 - Grade 5)
10:25 a.m. through the morning service
This is a time of fellowship, Bible lessons, and fun activities for children. Children are dismissed from the worship service before the sermon. Your child can be picked up after church in room 2 in the educational wing.
Young Adult Sunday School (Grades 11 - College)
11:15 a.m. - noon
Meets in the office wing kitchen.
Sunday School (Age 3 – Grade 5)
11:15 a.m. through noon
This is a time of age-based discipleship. We use the Gospel Project material published by LifeWay Christian Resources which provides comprehensive, chronological Bible lessons and allows all age groups to learn the same material in an age-appropriate setting. Parent resources, visual aids, and apps are also provided to enable parents to further disciple their children and learn God’s Word together as a family.

Youth Group (Grades 6 – 10)
Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Meets in the Youth Room & Gym
A typical night includes a time of worship, teaching, breakout growth groups, and games in the gym. Monthly activities are announced through the church bulletin and a quarterly activity schedule.

Awana (Age 3 - Grade 5)
6:30 pm. Wednesdays
We are excited to offer a Wednesday Evening program for kids age 3 – grade 5! Our nights will include a time of worship, Bible study, games, and a small group discipleship time. Children will enjoy growing in relationships with one another while diving deeper into God’s Word each week.